We help women from all around the world to Look, Feel & Perform At Their Very Best By Skyrocketing Their Confidence.

We show you how to ditch the endless exercise regimes and the ball and chain diet you currently feel tied to.

How many times have you failed a diet?

Go on... Count them

Maybe there was that time you joined the gym and went low-carb?
How about when Weight Watchers was all the rage?

If so, I have two things I want to say to you:


Well Done

I mean that with 100% sincerity.

Taking ownership of your goals, deciding you want something and actually putting the actions in place to do it is something to be applauded.

So many people talk about losing weight, dropping body fat and getting leaner, but you actually did something about it. That deserves some serious kudos.


I Bet You Failed

Hear me out on this one - I'm not about to criticize, but my guess is that your diet didn't go so great.

You started off okay with your eating, then you got invited out for a meal, had a stressful day at work, went for a few drinks, or didn't have any shopping in, so decided the only option was a takeaway.

"Screw it" you thought. 
"I've failed."

And so you went back to eating normally, putting back on any weight you lost, until you were eventually right back at square one.

The same probably happened with the gym -

You signed up, felt full of enthusiasm and hope, enjoyed your first few sessions (even if they were hard work) and managed to keep up some kind of routine for a few weeks, or even a few months.

Then 'lyfe' happened, the gym got put on the backburner, and now? 

It's some shamefully distant memory. (That you're probably still paying your membership fee for!)

You might exercise from time to time, but you know it's not really effective. You break a sweat, sure, but the scale isn't going down, your arms and legs aren't toning up, and that stubborn spare tyre definitely isn't budging.

How Many Of These Sound Familiar?

  • Life just feels like a constant diet? Simply trying the next FAD that comes along?
  • Each magazine and website just contradicts the last thing you read
  • You’ve said “I’ll start again on Monday” more times than you’ve had hot dinners
  • You seem to just run out of time each day to fit that gym session in
  • It’s impossible to work out who actually wants to help and who just wants your money.

We Hear It Time And Time Again…

Take Lisa as an example: she came to us lacking self-confidence, upset with herself that she’d just returned from holiday with no photos, no memories to look back on because she’d avoided every picture like her life depended on it. In fear of being unhappy with the outcome.

After just 8 weeks we’ve shifted her identity from a woman with crippling anxiety about her body shape, to a woman who’s strong & proud of what she can achieve.

She achieved this by removing all confusion, all unnecessary information and focused on 3 key factors:

  • Nutrition
  • Exercise
  • Mindset

Here at the Lyfestyle Project we call them the 3 B’s (Body, Brain & Balance)

We found

  • A training plan that suited Lisa’s lifestyle & goals.
  • A nutrition approach that not only educated Lisa but helped her drop body fat.
  • Broke down all of Lisa’s barriers and beliefs about herself that were previously holding her back.

Will you be our next Lisa?
You’ll be changing your body shape and mindset in no time!


Our Online Fitness, Nutrition & Mindset Program.

What Sets The Better Body Project Apart From The Rest?



Look at it this way - you hire a personal trainer. You see them maybe once or twice a week and only speak to them when you’re organising your next sessions. Instead, we offer direct communication to your coach around the clock. Imagine this, you’re going out for dinner after work, you don’t know what to eat without ruining your results. Just message your coach and they’ll guide you through the menu. Ensuring food freedom but guaranteeing results.



Your exercise & nutrition program are designed to suit your lifestyle and your goals. Circumstances change? Don’t worry we can change your approaches to suit your situation at the time - no more wasting money on different coaches or programs.



Our female only community is one of the best aspects of our coaching. Everyone is there to help and support one another. Celebrate wins and learn from others.



In an industry plagued with quick fixes, fad diets & outright lies, we pride ourselves on being a true results driven coaching team. We are here to change your life. Not coach you for 6 weeks then leave you hanging. We are with you for life.



Why has every diet failed you in the past? Because, there’s nothing to hold you accountable. Your personalised dash tracks all your progress. From your weight right down to your daily habits. Your coach is there with you every step of the way to ensure you keep moving towards your goals.

Neque porro 

Rem odit similique ut nisi laborum ea totam modi et corrupti dignissimos sed eius adipisci sit quia autem est esse delectus. Quo consequatur recusandae est distinctio consectetur.

Est qui dolorem

Rem odit similique ut nisi laborum ea totam modi et corrupti dignissimos sed eius adipisci sit quia autem est esse delectus. Quo consequatur recusandae est distinctio consectetur.

Ipsum quia dolor

Rem odit similique ut nisi laborum ea totam modi et corrupti dignissimos sed eius adipisci sit quia autem est esse delectus. Quo consequatur recusandae est distinctio consectetur.

Vestibulum sagittis

Rem odit similique ut nisi laborum ea totam modi et corrupti dignissimos sed eius adipisci sit quia autem est esse delectus. Quo consequatur recusandae est distinctio consectetur.

Vestibulum sagittis

Rem odit similique ut nisi laborum ea totam modi et corrupti dignissimos sed eius adipisci sit quia autem est esse delectus. Quo consequatur recusandae est distinctio consectetur.

Pellentesque efficitur

Rem odit similique ut nisi laborum ea totam modi et corrupti dignissimos sed eius adipisci sit quia autem est esse delectus. Quo consequatur recusandae est distinctio consectetur.

You’ve Got Two Options

( maybe here a cool like two path option if that’s possible )

  • It’s normal to feel anxious and intimidated at the start. Don’t worry. You don’t have to know where to start. What to do or what to eat.
  • It doesn’t matter how many times you’ve tried and failed in the past.
  • It doesn’t matter if you’ve never stepped foot in a gym before.
  • But… you need to take action and never let this sign pass you by.
  • You can choose to continue doing what you’ve always done or you can make a decision right now, take control and FINALLY get into the best shape of your life.

option 1

You get it! You understand how our Immersive and transformative coaching can help you completely change your body & mindset, but decide to give up on yourself for another year.

Going back to the same routines, habits and self-pity that will still be there. You’ll end up frustrated trying new ‘diets’ and ‘workouts’ only to end up on that holiday feeling uncomfortable and unconfident on the beach.

option 2

Right now, you can IMAGINE yourself in your new body.

You can feel that new found confidence.

You can PICTURE yourself on holiday, feeling comfortable enough to have pictures in bikinis.

You’ll feel proud of what you and your body have achieved.

If that’s you, then we encourage you to honour your gut and get started TODAY while you’re still thinking about it and before life rushes back in and gets in the way.

Because if you’re willing to do the work, and you’re able to follow simple steps, then in just 16 weeks you’ll be feeling the best you’ve ever felt.

You’ll finally feel comfortable enough to stand in that mirror without judging yourself.

We believe you’re worth it and we think you do too.

But the choice is simple and it’s yours to make.

Is This Right For You?

  • Let’s arrange a chat to make sure it’s a right fit for you.
  • We’ll talk about what we do and why we do it.
  • We’ll dive into exactly why you want to transform your body.
  • Even though your health & wellness is priceless we’ll let you know how much it is, depending on which level of support you feel you might need.
  • It’s not a sales call.
  • There’s zero obligation to sign up.
  • You’ve got nothing to lose and everything to gain.
  • We look forward to chatting to you soon.

Frequently Asked Questions

Who Needs A Personal Trainer?

Anyone who wants to improve their fitness, get stronger or lose weight and tone up can benefit from personal training. And at The Lyfestyle Project, we make it accessible for all. If you think you’re not the type of person who has a personal trainer, think again. We all need help to kick start any new habit and maintain it long-term. So, if you’re new to the gym, personal training with The Lyfestyle Project Team is for you. If you’ve lost your gym mojo, then it’s also for you. If you want to be pushed to the limits you can’t reach yourself, then give it a try. If you want to be inspired and have fun whilst exercising, then our signature Small-group personal training is the way to go.

How Can Personal Training Help Me?

Personal training can be hugely beneficial for everyone, but how it helps depends on who you are. If you’re exercising regularly but not seeing the results, a personal training coach will help you progress with your exercises in the most effective way. Plus, they’ll give you the motivation, support and accountability to take you to new levels. If you’re new to exercise, an important benefit of a personal trainer is that they’ll make sure you learn exercises correctly and safely. If you’ve suffered an injury, a personal training programme is an ideal way to help you rehabilitate, improve mobility and build your strength in the areas that need work.

Will Personal Training Help With Weight Loss?

Yes. All our personal training programmes are complemented by expert nutrition support. Controlling what you eat, combined with the right types of exercise will help you burn more calories and, ultimately, lose weight.

Is Personal Training Worth It?

Without a doubt. And not just by helping you get the physical results you want. Exercising regularly with the support of a professional will keep your mind positive and strong which, in turn, will make you feel happier and more confident. Plus, while you train with us, you’re gaining invaluable exercise knowledge that you’ll have for the rest of your life.

What Am I Committing To?

No long-term commitments. You're just enjoying 7 days of free personal training, and that's it. Think of it as a no-strings tester that'll help you make an informed decision about whether our coaching is right for you and which options might suit you best if you do decide to carry on

What Happens After The Trial?

You're free to choose. If you want to carry on and work with us to reach your fitness goals (80% of our trial members do), we'll suggest the right options and programmes going forward. If you decide that The Lyfestyle Project isn't for you, you can simply say goodbye. We'll be sorry to see you go, but we accept that we can't be all things to all people.